Saturday, December 31, 2005

- Summary of Points Disputed

Five of the seven men representing their churches that brought the charges.
l-r:  back row Lam Chin Kaw,  Peter Kek, Ho Eng Ghee.
front row: James Indran, Andrew Liew, Sing.
(Mr Lam, the theological spokesman for these Reformed Baptists,
has since gone back to his former Methodist Church.)

A Summary of the Seven Theological Points Disputed

The ‘Reformed Baptist Fraternal’ boldly designated their views as the ‘Standard Reformed’ view. The following is a comparison of the ‘Standard Reformed’ view of the RBF and the view of one non-conformist Particular Baptist on the seven doctrinal issues raised by the RBF. 

‘Standard reformed’: Effectual calling unto eternal life is by the instrumental means of gospel preaching. Gospel preaching is the necessary means for God to bestow spiritual life to His elect.
Author: Effectual calling unto eternal life is by the immediate life-giving call of the Triune God. Gospel preaching is not a necessary means for God to bestow spiritual life to His elect.

‘Standard reformed’: Repentance and faith secure eternal life. You repent and believe IN ORDER THAT you may receive eternal life.
Author: Repentance and faith evidence eternal life. You repent and believe BECAUSE God has effectually called you to eternal life.

‘Standard reformed’: The gospel is ‘‘if… then." If you respond, then God will do something wonderful for you. You must believe in order that you may have eternal life from God.
Author: The gospel is “because… therefore.” Because God has done this wonderful thing to you, therefore you respond. God has bestowed you with eternal life, therefore you believe.

‘Standard reformed’: Gospel preaching is necessary because it is the instrumental means for the regeneration of the spiritually dead elect.
Author: Gospel preaching is necessary because it is the instrumental means for the conversion of the ignorant, uninformed regenerated elect.

‘Standard reformed’: Faith secures your justification before God. God justifies when you believe. By faith, the condemned shall be justified and live.
Author: Faith evidences your justification by God’s free grace. God justified us when we were enemies. The justified ones shall live by faith.

‘Standard reformed’: Irresistible grace is the powerful working of the Spirit in gospel preaching to bring the spiritually dead elect to conversion.
Author: Irresistible grace is the powerful working of the triune God to bring the spiritually dead elect to eternal life.

‘Standard Reformed’: All the elect will be saved eternally because they will hear and believe the gospel, and God’s power keeps them in a life of faith and holiness, and thus all persevere in a life of faith and holiness to the end and shall be eternally saved.
Author: All the elect shall be saved eternally because God effectually calls them to eternal life, and God perseveres to preserve His elect in the state of grace, and they shall remain in that state of grace and be eternally saved.

A Summary of the Seven Theological Points Disputed

The ‘Reformed Baptist Fraternal’ boldly designated their views as the ‘Standard Reformed’ view. The following is a comparison of the ‘Standard Reformed’ view of the RBF and the view of one non-conformist Old School Baptist on the seven doctrinal issues raised by the RBF. Read the Summary here: A Summary

"The reason why any are justified IS NOT because they have faith; but the reason why they have faith IS because they are justified." PBA