Monday, January 21, 2008

- The Meaning of ‘His ‘Word’

3. The Meaning of ‘His ‘Word’ in 1689.10.1

Consider the context: the subject of 1689.10.1 is plainly on the effectual call of the elect out of the state of death unto life: “Those whom God hath predestined unto life, He is pleased in His appointed and accepted time, effectually to call... out of that state of sin and death in which they are by nature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ.”

Elsewhere in the Confession, ‘word’ (whether with capital ‘w’ or not – each edition varies) occurs about 34 times. When it refers to the revealed Scriptures or the ministry of the word, which includes the preaching of the gospel (Acts 6:4) it is ALWAYS plainly qualified by some other words in its immediate context. I will give you the relevant references (chapter and paragraph). They are as follows: 1.2; 1.4; 1.5 (twice), 1.6 (twice); 1.8; 3.7; 8.8 (twice); 10.3,4; 13.1,3; 14.1,2; 16.1,7; 20.2; 21.2; 22.5,6,7; 23.2,3; 25.4; 26.5 (twice), 26.7,10,11(twice). You may like to check these references to confirm. In 2:3 the context requires that it refer to Christ, the eternal Logos, the Life-giving Word. The ‘Word’ here occurs without any qualification. So is the ‘Word’ in 10.1. The same principle helps us to understand passages of Scriptures where ‘word’ (whether with capital ‘w’ or not) occurs.

When God effectually calls an elect out of that state of sin and death, He calls him into a state of grace and salvation, i.e., eternal life and salvation. The context is plainly the effectual call out of that state of sin and death unto life… spiritual and eternal life, for that’s the life God has predestined for His people. The context is not about bringing a regenerated person to faith in Jesus Christ, i.e., conversion from ignorance and unbelief to faith in Christ through the preaching of the gospel. It is a given that only an elect who has been given life can be brought to faith in Christ. Elsewhere, the Confession deals with the conversion of the regenerated elect to Christ, and the divinely appointed means to secure that conversion are specifically stated.

1689.14.1 states: “The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word…” (In Act 6:4 we have the phrase ‘the ministry of the word’ – i.e. ‘word’ in the lower case.) It is ‘the grace of faith’ and not the begetting of life that is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word – i.e., just as the Scriptures says, “… so then faith comes by hearing… and hearing by the word of God” (‘word’ in the lower case, Rom 10:18). The apostles devoted themselves to ‘the ministry of the word.’ In the ministry of the word, the righteousness of God is revealed ‘from faith to faith.’ Ponder over this wonderful phrase that aptly describes the ministry of the word, Rom 1:17. Who will receive and believe the gospel? The answer is, ‘the just shall live by faith.’ God’s justified ones shall believe, shall live by faith. Only the justified have the grace of faith given to them to believe.

Preaching the gospel is very necessary. Sinners without distinction must be called to repent and to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The duty and necessity and urgency to repent towards God and believe in Christ must be clearly laid upon their mind and consciences. Without repentance and faith in Christ the Saviour in the gospel call, no one has ground to claim or believe that he has been saved by grace or have an interest in the glorious salvation.

BUT what does the preaching do? It is not that it may be blessed (made effectual) to bring life to the spiritually dead hearers. It is that it may be blessed by the Spirit of Christ to bring to faith in Christ and belief in the truth those who have already been effectually called – i.e. the justified, regenerated, and adopted, who have received the gift of faith and repentance. I do understand the Confession to say that the preached gospel is made effectual or blessed to bring about conversion, but definitely not to bring regeneration. Regeneration and conversion are quite different and distinct spiritual truths. Conversion is ordinarily brought about by the ministry of the word, the preaching of the gospel by the gospel messenger. There are many and diverse non-ordinary mediums such as tracts, books, videos, etc. that are blessed to bring about conversion. But it is chiefly through the foolishness of the message preached – the preacher personally engaging the minds and heart and will of the hearers – which God is pleased to bless to the conversion of His elect who are saved. To those who are saved the gospel is the power of God. “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1Cor 1:18, KJV). To those not already saved the gospel is utter foolishness; to those already saved – are saved – it is believed and received as the power of God that saved them.

Here is an illustration: for a man to father a child in the womb of his wife, such wonderful act is totally independent of the diapers, baby clothes, talcum powder, bath-cream, milk, etc., all of which are good and necessary things for the well-being of a baby, but which do not contribute in any remotest manner to the conception of the life. I hope you appreciate the point of this simple illustration. The preaching of the gospel, the good news of what God has done in Christ does not play any role in the regeneration of life, which is both spiritual and eternal. Regeneration is the immediate work of the Spirit of God, apart from the instrumental means of gospel preaching.

The preached word (gospel) blessed to the conversion of the regenerated elect is vastly different from the Word (Christ) and Spirit who are the active Divine Agents in the effectual calling unto eternal life of a dead sinner. We must not confuse the two. The word ‘word’ (whether with upper or lower case ‘w’) sounds the same in each case, but the SENSE is entirely different. Distinction is the essence of sound theology. The Framers were clear. Therefore ‘Word’ can’t possibly mean ‘Gospel preaching’ in a context of effectual calling unto life. The gospel is not an instrument used in begetting eternal life in the elect. It is instrumental only in the conversion of those whom God has effectually called unto eternal life. It is instrumental in the gospel call to faith in Jesus Christ. But it is massive theological blunder to think that Christ, the Word of God, is not active in the work of the new creation in effectual calling.

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"The reason why any are justified IS NOT because they have faith; but the reason why they have faith IS because they are justified." PBA