Thursday, January 24, 2008

- What some reformed theologians say

8. What Some No Less ‘Standard Reformed’ Theologians Say

Though speculating more than producing biblical evidence, Reformed theologians have indicated that there may be many elect who were not reach with the gospel, and remaining unbelieving. Here are two examples:

Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590; Reformed) wrote, “Let it be observed that in all ages the much greater part of mankind have been destitute even of the external means of grace, and have not been favoured with the preaching of God’s Word, or any revelation of His will… Hence many nations and communities never had the advantage of hearing the Word preached, and consequently were strangers to the faith that cometh thereby. It is not indeed improbable, but some individuals in these unenlightened countries might belong to the secret election of grace, and the habit of faith might be wrought in these.”

William G.T. Shedd (1820-1897; Presbyterian) wrote, “It does not follow, however, that because God is not obliged to offer pardon to the unevangelized heathen, either here or hereafter, therefore no unevangelized heathen are pardoned. The electing mercy of God reaches to the heathen. It is not the doctrine of the Church, that the entire mass of pagans, without exception, have gone down to endless impenitence and death. That some unevangelized men are saved, in the present life, by an extraordinary exercise of redeeming grace in Christ, has been the hope and belief of Christendom. It was the hope and belief of the elder Calvinists, as it is of the later.” Regarding those other than infants who are regenerated by Christ without the gospel call, Shedd writes, “This is commonly understood to refer not merely, or mainly, to idiots and insane persons, but to such of the pagan world as God pleases to regenerate without the use of the written revelation.” [Dogmatic Theology]

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A Summary of the Seven Theological Points Disputed

The ‘Reformed Baptist Fraternal’ boldly designated their views as the ‘Standard Reformed’ view. The following is a comparison of the ‘Standard Reformed’ view of the RBF and the view of one non-conformist Old School Baptist on the seven doctrinal issues raised by the RBF. Read the Summary here: A Summary

"The reason why any are justified IS NOT because they have faith; but the reason why they have faith IS because they are justified." PBA